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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Final Reflection

English 102: The Fall of Free Time
            Leslie Jewkes is a slave driver. That being said I would first like to say thank you Professor Jewkes for pushing me, forcing me to create a portfolio I never thought I could complete. Every single assignment that came out I said the same thing, “There is now way I can complete this with my work load.” But I did it. Many of my fellow students are well aware that working full time and taking a full time course load is seemingly impossible to handle. Our class started with roughly 22 people and ended at half that amount which says a lot about the character of the people that actually completed this course, regardless of the grade received. We should all be extremely proud.
            As a twenty eight year old first time college student I had no idea what to expect when I was entering into my classes. I figured that taking 15 credits and working 60 hours a week would be a breeze, after all it is only College of Western Idaho, boy was I wrong. Maybe I was giving myself too much credit or maybe I just had high hopes of getting my degree incredibly quickly but I certainly learned my lesson.
            Even with my lengthy work week I am used to having free time, in the summers usually consumed by yard work or even just spending time with the family. This semester's biggest challenge was trying to juggle the responsibilities all at once. Every Monday when I would open my blackboard I was consumed with a flooded sense of panic. Every task that needed to be accomplished seemed more impossible than the last but one thing kept me focused: my semester project on poverty. An issue like poverty or the reality of the hunger of the world really puts life into perspective. No matter what is going on in my life at this time I always revert back to what the rest of the world may be going through.  
I'm so incredibly thankful for that realization. Although I hated my topic toward the end of the semester, I always maintained a sense that the issue was important and made every possible effort to make that show in my papers. From my local issue essay to the final global paper I never stopped learning, not just about myself as a writer but about myself as a person. English 102 has proved to be one of the best experiences I have had in the last 9 years and has boosted my confidence in what I am able to accomplish.
            This reflection seems to have turned into a puff piece for Professor Jewkes but for good reason; I have achieved more in the last four months than I have in years. I'm extremely proud of everyone that hung in there with me and offered support to one another. The lessons learned in this class can be carried on to every other school venture that comes about; if you think the task is impossible just remember English 102.

1 comment:

  1. I am deeply touched. I now proudly wear a banner that states "Slave Driver" right across the front of it in BIG letters!

    In reality, Jeff, YOU are the one to be congratulated and thanked. You have done stellar work this semester; and all of it was delivered with enthusiasm and graciousness and thought provoking clarity.

    It has been a privilege - TRULY a privilege.
    Keep in touch!
